Settling into Life at Priory Woods

Our Reception children are settling into life at Priory Woods extremely well.
They all look so gorgeous and grown up in their new school uniforms. The children have spent the first half-term in school getting to know the staff who are working with them, working alongside new peers and making friends. They have been exploring their new classroom and discovering their different play environments both inside and outside. They have been transitioning around school and engaging in new and exciting learning experiences, such as hydro, soft play, rebound, sensory integration, and drama and have already begun to engage in learning outside of school by going out on the school mini-bus.
We are so proud of how well they have transitioned into school life and they are already starting to develop their independence and communication skills, building the foundations for their learning. Here are just some of the exciting things Pink Class have been up to in just their first few weeks in school…